Stories of Hope

We hope these podcasts will give you courage and hope for your own futures.  Our hope is you will see you’re not alone, that you do matter, that you can get through really hard things, and that you can and will do great things, as long as choose to!  No its not easy but it can be done!  If we can do it so can you!!!

“Wherever you are, whatever your circumstances may be, you are not forgotten.  No matter how dark your days may seem, no matter how insignificant you may feel,  no matter how overshadowed you think you may be, your Heavenly Father has not forgotten you.  In fact he loves you with an infinite love.”

– Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Would you like to share your story too?

Brooklins Story

Brooklin began her long struggle with pornography starting 8, little did her family know that letting her watch certain movies, a chemical in her brain was being awoken.  By the age of 9 there was no going back! The first time she saw pornography she was hooked.  Listen to Brooklins last 9 years of fighting this very hard battle and what she’s doing today to over come it!

Our Trials or Mistakes don't define us. Who our Brother and Father are, does.

Emilys Story

In her youth, Emily had things happen to her by the neighbor boys. From there she got into alcohol, smoking, marijuana, meth, crack and cocaine among other things all by the age of 16.  She is now a mother of 4 and married 20 years! Listen to her story and see there is hope for us all! 

To hear the courage of a teen girl being shared by an amazing lady Soni Muller watch this beautiful fireside.  If you’d like to get right to the girls story start at minute 28 and go until minute 46. Also if you’re looking for an additional major spiritual boost I recommend listening to the song they talk about Undeniable By Mercy River, we have it right below for you to just click on and get an extra spiritual boost right now!!