Congratulations! You’ve read my story from the very beginning to now 🙂 Hopefully I didn’t bore you to much!
As you read my story I hope you were able to learn something that might help you in this struggle. I hope you were able to learn from my mistakes and triumphs! And most importantly, I hope that you can now see that you are NOT alone! There are others going through the same thing you are. No matter how many times you relapse, just keep in mind that there are others cheering you on! I totally am!!
Talk to loved ones, let them help you.
Im pretty sure that most of my posts have said the same thing at least once…find someone you trust and TALK to them 🙂
People can’t read your mind, no matter how nice that would be. They aren’t going to be able to tell when you’re hurting or struggling. They might be able to guess somethings wrong, but they wont be able to know what for sure and wont be able to help you get through it. I still find it hard to open up and talk to my parents and support group…it can be a hard thing to do. But let me tell you, I know that when I do talk to them, and tell them how Im feeling or if I have had any thoughts and urges, I feel so much better and relieved than if I kept it down and said I was “fine”.
“fine”…the worst word ever!
I still find myself to this day saying the following, “Oh I’m fine.” as a thought could be going through my head that same time. I have really been working hard to not say that freaking word anymore unless I TRULEY mean it. It has not been easy, let me tell ya.
I don’t know if it’s this way for you, but for me, I almost feel embarrassed to admit that I’m having a thought, or if I want to watch porn. My parents would ask how my day went and I would quickly spit out, “Fine” “Good” or “No thoughts”.
It was like my brain would take over and automatically have me spit out one of those three words. Like I said, I have worked really hard on what I say. It is defiantly not the easiest thing in the world but I have come a long way.
If you find yourself doing this same thing, remind yourself to slow down before you speak, pay attention to what’s coming out, and just be honest. I’ve been trying to nail this for a long time now, but the more I work on it, the easier it will become. Same goes for you 🙂
keep coming back to check for new posts 🙂
You might be caught up with my story, but I will be posting still about how my days have gone, any new struggles I may come across, and a whole lot more 🙂
you can share your story too!
I encourage you to share your story with others, as I have done. Your struggles and accomplishments will help so many others get through their trail as well! You can even start out by submitting a comment with something about your story. It doesn’t have to be huge. It could even be just a piece of advice or encouragement! 🙂
It doesn’t matter how you do it, but please find a way to share your story with the people you love and trust! I promise, you will see and feel a huge difference. honesty is always better than secrecy. You can’t beat this on your own…so why try?